Who we are
ARISE is an international network of researchers and clinicians in the field of lung Oscillometry. ARISE is located in the academic city of Pune in India, but has members across India as well as the globe.
How do we function
The International Network for Lung Oscillometry Research (ARISE) aims to enhance and promote the application of FOT/IOS in the diagnosis of asthma, COPD and other chronic lung diseases, not only in India but across the globe through high quality scientific research and advocacy. Research questions that address the fundamental application of the lung oscillometry will be undertaken in the form of multi-centric, standardized, quality research methods. The resulting new knowledge will be published in international peer reviewed journals. The ARISE network will be operationalized by Chest Research and Training (CREST) with an expert and dedicated team of clinicians and scientists. The team comprises of eminent researchers from the erstwhile Chest Research Foundation, where a lot of fundamental research was initiated.
Vision Of ARISE
The Vision of ARISE is to generate applicable, sound knowledge in the field of Lung Oscillometry through collaborative research and partnerships with the academia, industry and other relevant stake holders. In addition, ARISE will help promote the use of lung oscillometry through advocacy, based on sound scientific and evidence based knowledge. Therefore, through research and advocacy, ARISE will transform the next generation lung oscillometry techniques in India as well as globally and thereby help reduce the huge and growing burden and suffering associated with chronic lung diseases.
Mission Of ARISE
To conduct pioneering, scientifically driven research studies in the field of lung oscillometry and to assist the practicing physician in the early and accurate diagnosis of various lung diseases through passion and innovation.

Core Team
ARISE team also boasts of an excellent team that would assist in the entire data collection, management and analysis for all the studies that would be undertaken through the network.

Dr. Sundeep Salvi
Director, Chest Research and Training (CREST)

Ms Deesha Ghorpade
ARISE Research Network and Training Lead

Ms Vandana Vincent
Technician, Researcher and Trainer

Ms Sapna Madas
Head, Data Management and Statistics

Dr. Monica
Head, Department of Training CREST